What are the User Groups filters?

You can use the User Groups filters to view all relevant filters and conditions that Impact has registered from your learning application.

What are the User Groups filters?

What are the User Groups filters?

1. Open User Groups

In Global Navigation, click the Admin dropdown menu. Then click the Target User Groups link. The User Groups tab displays a list of all of the roles registered within the Impact system.
Open User Groups

2. Open Filters

To search based on a combination of criteria, click the Filters icon.
Open Filters

3. Add a Filter

To add a new filter, click the Add a filter button.
Add a Filter

4. Select Filter Type

To select a filter type, click the Filter type drop-down. Filter Types include Category, ID, Visibility, Type, and User Count.
Select Filter Type

5. Category Filter

The Category Filter conditions include Is, Is not, Has any, and Has none. After adding a condition, select the value.
Category Filter

6. ID Filter

The ID Filter conditions include math conditions. After adding a condition, select the value.
ID Filter

7. Visibility Filter

The Visibility Filter conditions include Is and Is not. After adding a condition, select the value.
Visibility Filter

8. Type Filter

The Type Filter conditions include Is and Is not. After adding a condition, select the value.
Type Filter

9. User Count Filter

The ID Filter conditions include math conditions. After adding a condition, select the value.
User Count Filter
The guide covered User Groups filters.