Where do I find my institution's URL to access Canvas?

You can access Canvas through an institution-specific Canvas URL, your school's website, or a Canvas Mobile app.

You can access Canvas Network and Free-For-Teacher accounts through URLs that are not institution-specific.

Learn more about computer and browser requirements for Canvas, accessibility standards, and the languages Canvas supports.


Find Your School's Canvas URL

To search for and find your institution or school's Canvas URL, use the Canvas URL search page. Enter your school's name in the search page and be as specific as possible. You can also try alternative names for your school, such as the name of your school district, abbreviations, or longer institution names.

Canvas Web Access

You can access Canvas through an institution-specific Canvas URL. Canvas URLs use one of the following structures: [your institution's name].instructure.com or canvas.[your institution's name].edu.

Some institution's may also allow access to Canvas via an institution-specific authentication system which redirects to Canvas, such a school student portal or website.

Canvas Network and Free-For-Teacher Accounts

Canvas Network and Free-For-Teacher accounts do not follow an institution-specific URL structure.

Mobile App Access

Instructure products are optimized for desktop displays. However, if you are using a mobile device, you can access Instructure products using a mobile application (app) or mobile browser. For the best user experience, please download and use the product mobile app applicable to your user role: Canvas Teacher, Canvas Student, or Canvas Parent using an Android or iOS device.

Within a mobile app, you can search for your institution on the app login page or manually enter your school's Canvas URL.

Mobile App Access via QR Code

To navigate to your school's Canvas instance and log in to a Canvas app, scan your Canvas profile QR code from Canvas web. View QR code login instructions as an instructor, student, or observer.