How do I connect to Skype as a web service in Canvas?
You can connect to the Skype web service in Canvas. This integration allows you to send friend requests to other users in your course who have also connected to Skype. It does not allow you to use Skype directly in Canvas.
00:07: How do I connect to Skype as a web service in canvas as a student? 00:12: In global navigation, click the account link then click the settings 00:16: link. 00:18: Any other services section, click the Skype button. 00:22: Answer your Skype name in the Skype name field, click the save Skype name 00:26: button. Skype will now appear under the registered Services 00:30: heading in your canvas settings. 00:33: This guy covered how to connect to Skype as a web service in canvas as a student.
Open User Settings

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the Settings link [2].
Register Skype

In the Other Services section, click the Skype button.
Log in to Skype

Enter your Skype name in the Skype Name field [1]. Click the Save Skype Name button [2].
Skype displays under the Registered Services heading in your Canvas settings.