What are Impact Walkthroughs?
The Walkthroughs feature allows Impact admins to create step-by-step guidance of a process in Canvas or Blackboard Learn Original. A walkthrough consists of multiple steps that may span multiple pages.
When creating walkthrough steps, admins can select from the following step types: hints, pop-ups, and systrays. Hints can be used to direct users to another page in their LMS. Pop-up and systray messages can be used to provide information.
If enabled, users may submit walkthrough feedback upon closing or completing a walkthrough.
- Walkthrough steps must include a context which triggers the step, such as an action or navigating to a page. Free Select Mode is not available when selecting a context.
- Buttons can be added to allow users to navigate between steps or close the walkthrough.
- The Walkthroughs feature preview is in active development.
What are Impact Walkthroughs?
What are Impact Walkthroughs?
1. Create Walkthroughs in the Impact Dashboard
The Walkthroughs feature allows Impact admins to create step-by-step guidance of a process in Canvas or Blackboard Learn Original. A walkthrough consists of multiple steps that may span multiple pages.
Walkthrough steps can be created using the Impact Dashboard.

2. Create Walkthroughs in the Inline Editor
Or create Walkthrough steps through the Inline Editor.

3. View Hint Walkthroughs
Hint messages are messages that are connected to a specific element on a page in your learning application.

4. View Pop-Up Walkthroughs
Pop-up messages are presented in a central modal that lays on top of your learning application.

5. View Systray Walkthroughs
Systray messages are messages displayed in the bottom right corner of your learning environment.

6. View End Walkthrough Confirmation
To end a walkthrough before reaching the last step, users can click the Close icon at any time.
To confirm ending the walkthrough, users can click the Yes, end walkthrough button.

This guide covered what Impact Walkthroughs are.