How do I use the Impact integration in Canvas Credentials LTI?
Users who have access to Canvas, Credentials, and Impact can access the Impact integration in Credentials. This integration allows admins to customize in-app messaging, measure Credentials adoption, and support Credentials users.
A set of Credentials Out of the Box content is now offered by Impact. This includes:
- Inline Editor templates added inside your LMS
- Contexts and Monitors inside your Impact Dashboard
- Credentials reporting template
- Insights
- Credentials Support Center category
- Walkthroughs
- Make sure to alert your Instructure CSM if you would like to enable the Impact widget in Credentials.
- Impact will only gather data from the moment the widget is turned on, therefore any prior activity in Credentials will not appear in the Insights.
Enable LTI Credentials
The LTI Credentials Tool Category should be toggled on for all support categories, reporting templates, contexts, monitors, and insights to be visible inside your Dashboard.
Note: The integration is with Canvas and Credentials therefore authentication in your Canvas is needed in order to generate the Insights.
Inline Editor
As Credentials is a third-party tool, you can reach the Inline Editor by enabling the Third party tool frame, once you have navigated to Credentials inside Canvas. You can then access the Out of the Box predefined template as well as define your local inline templates.
Out of the Box Contexts and Monitors
Out of the Box contexts and monitors have been created around Credentials functionalities. Most contexts and monitors are focused on Instructor as well as Student activity inside Credentials.
You can filter both Contexts and Monitors inside your Impact Dashboard by using the Tool Category filter [1] and selecting LTI Credentials [2].
Credentials Reporting Templates and Insights
The Credentials Instructor and Student Monitors are located in the Integrated tools > Credentials Report. To find these, navigate to the Reporting Templates > Integrated tools > Credentials, where you can view all monitor (sub)categories, inside your Impact Dashboard.
Note:For more information on reporting templates, visit How do I edit an existing reporting template in the Impact Dashboard? or How do I add an activity monitor to a reporting template in the Impact Dashboard?
To find the insights generated by Mastery Connect Reporting Templates, navigate to your Insights inside your Dashboard [1] and select the Adoption tab [2].
Select Integrated Tools under Reporting Template [3]. To apply the filter, click the Apply button [4].

Once the filter is applied, select the Credentials tool group.
Credentials Support Center Category
All Credentials admin, instructor, and student guides have been categorized into contextualized support categories inside your Support Center for inline help. Make sure the LTI Credentials tool category is toggled on, in order for Support to be visible among instructors. Admin guides are categorized under the Admin Support Category and are assigned the LTI Credentials tool category. They are contextualized into Admin pages inside Credentials. In order to access contextualized Credentials admin guides inside your Canvas instance, the tool category LTI Credentials should be enabled in your dashboard.