How do I reopen a benchmark assessment as an administrator?

As a Mastery Connect district or school administrator, you can reopen submitted benchmark assessments for students without deleting their existing answers.


Open Manage

Open Manage

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Manage option [2].

Open Teachers  

Open Teachers

In the Manage list, click the Teachers link.

Log in as Teacher

In the Manage Teachers page, locate the teacher and click the Login link.

Open Tracker

In the Global Navigation menu of the teacher's account, click the Trackers link [1].

Select Tracker

Select Tracker

In the Trackers list, click the name of the tracker you want to open.

Locate Benchmark

Click the Students tab [1]. Then, locate the benchmark and hover the cursor over the column header [2]. In the drop-down menu, click the Reopen Test for Students option [3].

Reopen Test

To select the students for whom you wish to reopen the benchmark, click the appropriate checkboxes [1]. To select all students in the list, click the Select All [number] Students checkbox [2]. Then, click the Reopen Test For Students button [3].

View Reset Tracker

View Reset Tracker

In the tracker, the student scores are reset. The students can now log in to the student portal and resume the assessment from the point where they left off.

Log out of Teacher Account

Log out of Teacher Account

To return to your administrator account, click the Return to Administration link.