How do I remove a benchmark assessment from an individual tracker as an admin?

As a Mastery Connect administrator, you can remove a benchmark assessment from individual trackers to which it was delivered.


How do I remove a benchmark assessment from an individual tracker as an admin?

How do I remove a benchmark assessment from an individual tracker as an admin?

1. Open Admin

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu.
Open Admin

2. Open Assessments

Then, click the Assessments link.
Open Assessments

3. Open Benchmarks

In the Assessments list, click the Benchmarks link.
Open Benchmarks

4. Open Assessment Manager

Locate the benchmark you want to remove and click the Manage button.
Open Assessment Manager

5. Open Progress

Click the progress tab.
Open Progress

6. Open School Info

Click the Expand icon for the school where you want to remove the benchmark.
Open School Info

7. Open Benchmark Options

Locate the benchmark you want to remove, and click the Options icon.
Open Benchmark Options

8. Remove Benchmark

Click the Remove Benchmark option.
Remove Benchmark

9. Confirm Benchmark Removal

Confirm and complete the removal process.
Confirm Benchmark Removal
This guide covered how to remove a benchmark assessment from a tracker as a Mastery Connect admin.