How do I create a formative assessment as an admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin, you can create formative assessments from the Admin menu.

You can create formative assessments from document-based sources or from item-based sources and you can distribute them as district formative assessments.

Assessments can be kept private, shared with your school, or with your district.  

How do I create a formative assessment as an admin?

How do I create a formative assessment as an admin?

1. Open Admin

In the global navigation, click the Admin drop-down.
Open Admin

2. Open Assessments

In the drop-down menu, click the Assessments expanding menu.
Open Assessments

3. Open Formative Page

Then, click the Formative link.
Open Formative Page

4. Add Assessment

In the Formative Assessments page, click the Add Assessment button.
Add Assessment

5. Enter Assessment Title

Enter the title for the assessment, in the Title field.
Enter Assessment Title

6. Select Formative

In the Assessment Type section, click the Formative radio button.
Select Formative

7. Choose Alignment Source

To choose the alignment source for the assessment, click the Alignment Source button.
Choose Alignment Source

8. Select Alignment Source

To align the assessment to standards in a curriculum map, click the From a Curriculum Map option. To align the assessment to standards in a tracker, click the From a Tracker option.
Select Alignment Source

9. Select Subject, Core, and Class

To align the assessment to specific standards rather than to a source such as a curriculum map or tracker, click the Subject, Core, and Class drop-down menus, and make selections.
Select Subject, Core, and Class

10. Select Assessment Source

To create an item-based assessment in the source section, click the Item radio button. To create a document-based assessment, click the Document Based radio button. To create a raw score assessment, click the Raw Score radio button.
Select Assessment Source

11. Select Privacy Level

To set a privacy level for the assessment, click the Privacy drop-down menu and select a privacy option.
Select Privacy Level

12. Draft Assessment Editor

To draft the assessment in the Assessment Editor and enter assessment content, click the Next button.
Draft Assessment Editor

13. View Assessment Editor

The assessment draft displays in the Assessment Editor. If you are creating an item-based assessment, you can add items. If you are creating a document-based assessment, you can upload a document and add questions.
View Assessment Editor

14. Open Settings

To designate an assessment as district approved, click the Settings button
Open Settings

15. Designate Assessment

In the Privacy drop-down menu, select the Private to My District option. Then, click the District Approved toggle on.
Designate Assessment

16. Save changes

To apply the changes, click the Save button.
Save changes
This guide covered how to create a formative assessment as an admin in Mastery Connect.