How do I change formative assessment mastery cut scores in a tracker?

You can edit formative assessment mastery cut scores at any time, even after the assessment has been given and scored.


  • Editing cut scores on a completed assessment automatically changes each student's mastery levels according to the new scores.
  • If you are the author of an assessment, you can change assessment mastery cut scores in the assessment itself by editing the assessment. Scores then update on all trackers using the assessment.

How do I change formative assessment mastery cut scores in a tracker?

How do I change formative assessment mastery cut scores in a tracker?

1. Open Trackers

In the global navigation, click the Trackers link.
Open Trackers

2. Select Tracker Name

Click the tracker name to open the tracker.
Select Tracker Name

3. Select Standard

In the Tracker View page, click the standard the assessment is associated with to work with a single-standard assessment.
Select Standard

4. Select Edit

Locate the assessment in the Standard Details page. Then, hover the cursor over the mastery level scores, and click the Edit icon.
Select Edit

5. Enter new cut scores

In the Edit Scoring dialog box, enter new cut scores for the available mastery levels.
Enter new cut scores

6. Save the changes

To save changes, click the Save button.
Save the changes
This guide covered how to change formative assessment mastery cut scores in a tracker.