How do I add sections to a benchmark item-based assessment?

As a Mastery Connect district administrator or user with benchmark author or benchmark facilitator permission, you can add sections to a benchmark assessment. This allows you to enable assessment tools per section.

How do I add sections to a benchmark item-based assessment?

How do I add sections to a benchmark item-based assessment?

1. Open Admin

In the global navigation, click the Admin drop-down menu.
Open Admin

2. Open Assessments

Click the Assessments link.
Open Assessments

3. Open Benchmarks

Then, click the Benchmarks link.
Open Benchmarks

4. Add Benchmark

Create or edit an item-based benchmark assessment. To create an assessment, click the Add Benchmark button
Add Benchmark

5. Open Assessment Options

To edit an assessment, click the Options icon.
Open Assessment Options

6. Open Edit Options

In the Options menu, click the Edit link.
Open Edit Options

7. Add Item

In the Assessment Editor, you can create a section and then add items to it. To create a section at the bottom of the item list, click the Add Item icon
Add Item

8. Create Section

Then, click the Create Section link.
Create Section

9. Add Section

To add a section between two items, hover the cursor in the space between the items until the Add Item icon displays. Then, click the Add Item icon.
Add Section

10. Create Section

Click the Create Section link.
Create Section

11. View Section Headers

Section headers display in the Item Organizer.
View Section Headers

12. Move Section Headers

To move a section, hover the cursor over the section header name, and click the Move icon. Then, drag the section to a new location between items
Move Section Headers

13. Remove Section

To delete a section, hover the cursor over the section header name, then click the Remove link.
Remove Section
This guide covered how to add sections to a benchmark item-based assessment.