How do I import parent email addresses as a Mastery Connect admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin, you can import parent email addresses from a CSV file. During the process, you must first download a properly formatted CSV file. Once you add email addresses to the CSV file, you can upload it.

After you import parent email addresses, you may want to send parent activation emails.

Note: Teachers can also import parent email addresses.

Open Admin Menu

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Manage option [2].

Open Manage Students

Open Manage Students

In the Manage list, click the Students link.

Open Import Parent Emails

In the Manage Students page, click the More button [1], then select the Import Parent Emails option [2].

Download CSV File

In the Import Parent Emails window, you can download a CSV file to populate with email addresses.

To download a CSV file containing all students, click the All Students radio button [1]. Alternatively, to download a CSV file containing only students who have no parent email addresses in their accounts, click the Students with no parent email radio button [2].

Then, click the Download button [3].

By default, the file name is parent_emails_yyyy-mm-dd.csv, where yyyy-mm-dd is the year, month, and day of the download.

Edit CSV File

Edit CSV File

Enter parent email addresses for one or more students in the emails column.

To add multiple parent email addresses for a student, you can add additional columns titled "emails" and populate them with additional email addresses.

When you are finished entering email addresses, save the file.

Upload Edited CSV File

To upload the CSV file, return to the Import Parent Emails window in Mastery Connect. Click the Choose File button.

Select File

In your browser's File Open window, select the edited CSV file [1], then click the Open button [2].

Upload File

Verify that your file is selected [1], then click the Upload button [2].

Parent email addresses are now associated with the accounts.