How do I export assessment data to a CSV File as a Mastery Connect admin?

As a Mastery Connect admin, you can export formative or benchmark assessment data as a CSV file. Assessment data CSV files include each student's school, teacher, tracker, ID, overall score, overall number of points possible, and item responses for each standard-aligned item. You can also include student demographic information in the downloaded data.

You can export one or more assessments at a time. The exported data downloads as a ZIP file containing a CSV for each assessment.

Note: Assessments that are in a draft state cannot be exported.

Open Admin Menu

Open Admin Menu

In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, select the Assessments option [2].

Open Assessment Type

Open Assessment Type

In the Assessments list, select the type of assessment you want to export.

To export scores for a benchmark assessment, click the Benchmarks link [2]

To export scores for a formative assessment, click the Formative link [3].

Select Assessment

In the Benchmark or Formative Assessments page, locate the assessment(s) with scores you want to export. To narrow the displayed list of assessments, you can use the available search and filter options [1].

To view only district approved assessments, click the District Approved Assessments checkbox [2].

To select an assessment to export scores, click the assessment's checkbox [3]. You can select multiple assessments at one time. To select all displayed items, click the All checkbox [4].

Select Assessment in Grid View

If your Assessments page displays assessments in grid view, you can still select assessments to export. Locate the assessment(s) with scores you want to export. To refine the displayed assessments, use the available search and filter options [1].

To view only district approved assessments, click the District Approved Assessments checkbox [2].

To select an assessment, hover over the preview card to display the assessment details [3]. Then, click the Include in Export checkbox [4].

Export Scores as CSV

Click the Bulk Action drop-down [1]. Then click the Export to CSV link [2].

Export Scores

Export Scores

In the Export Scores window, enter a name for the export file in the Export Name field [1].

Click the radio button of one of the following export formats:

  • Classic format [2]: export contains standard alignment, points possible, student scores, and student item responses.
  • Expanded format [3]: export contains standard alignment, points possible, student scores, student item responses, and student demographic information.

To include information for archived students in the export, click the Include Archived Students checkbox [4].

Click the Export button [5].

Note: Expanded format exports include the following demographic data for benchmark assessments: gender, race, ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino), FRL, IEP, and ELL.

View Data Export Status

The Data Export page opens to display the My Downloads tab [1]. While the system processes the data export, an In Progress icon displays [2].

Manage Export

When the file is exported and ready for download, a Download icon displays [1].

To download a ZIP file containing the CSV file(s), click the Download icon. The downloaded ZIP file is named in the following format according to the date of the export, time of the export (universal time), and the export name: MM-DD-YYYY_Hour_Min_Sec-[export name].zip.

To remove a download from the My Downloads list, click the More icon [2] and click the Delete option [3].

View CSV Download  

Open the ZIP file and view the downloaded CSV file for each assessment in the export.


  • CSV files contained in the ZIP file are named in the following format according to the name of the assessment, the assessment ID, and date of the export: [assessment name]_[assessment ID]_YYYY-MM-DD.csv.
  • Assessment and export names in the exported files include underscores in place of spaces.