How do I view student peer review comments as an instructor?

You can verify if students completed an assigned peer review. In the peer review page, you can view all peer reviews left on a student's submission. You can also view a single review left by a student for an assigned peer review. Peer review comments also display in SpeedGrader along with any other comments left on the assignment.

Students don't automatically receive a grade for completing a peer review. If you want to award points for peer reviews, you can create a no submission assignment in the gradebook and assign points manually.

Note: When anonymous grading is enabled, instructors cannot view peer review comments from the peer review page.

Open Assignments

Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.

Open Assignment

Open Assignment

Click the name of the peer review assignment.

Open Peer Review

In the sidebar, click the Peer Reviews link.

Select Student Assignment

Select Student

In the Peer Reviews page, locate the student assignment with peer reviews you would like to view. To view all peer reviews left on a student's submission, click the student's name [1].

Select Individual Review

Select Individual Review

To view a single review left by a student for their assigned peer review, click the assigned student's name.

View Peer Review Comments

Each comment includes the name of the reviewer and the time they made the comment.


  • If anonymous peer reviews are enabled, you and your TAs can still view the names of student reviewers in the submission details page.
  • Group assignments will include comments sent to all group members.

View Rubric

If you added a rubric to the assignment, you can view the peer reviewer's rubric assessment. To switch between reviews, select another name from the Show Assessment By [1] drop-down menu.

To close the rubric, click the Close icon [2].

Note: If your institution enables the Enhanced Rubrics feature option, the rubric interface may vary.