How do I duplicate a page in a course?
You can duplicate a page in your course. When a page is copied, the word Copy is added to the end of the page name.
Duplicating a page defaults the copied page to an unpublished status. All items in the page are duplicated including the page name, content, and options.
If a page is used in Mastery Paths, the Mastery Paths setting is also enabled in the copied page. Additionally, any Mastery Paths page also displays in the Assignments index page.
If applicable, Pages displays Blueprint Course icons after the page is refreshed.
Open Pages

In Course Navigation, click the Pages link.
View Pages
Pages is designed to open to the front page for the course, if there is a front page selected. To select a page from the Pages Index, click the View All Pages button.
Open Page
Locate the page you want to duplicate. Click the Options icon [1], then click the Duplicate button [2].