How do I attach a file to an announcement in a course?

You can attach a file to an announcement for users to download.

Open Announcements

Open Announcements

In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.

Add Announcement

Click the Add Announcement button.

Attach File

Click the Attach link.

Browse for File

Choose the file you want to attach [1]. To attach the file to the announcement, click the Open button [2].

Set Attached File Usage Rights

Set Attached File Usage Rights

If required by your institution, you will need to select usage right settings for your attachment. To manage usage right settings, click the Set usage rights icon [1].

In the Usage Right drop-down menu [2], select one of five usage rights. If you are an instructor and are not sure which usage right applies to your file, please consult your institutional admin for guidance:

  • I hold the copyright (original content created by you)
  • I have obtained permission to use the file (authorized permission by the author)
  • The material is in the public domain (explicitly assigned to public domain, cannot be copyrighted, or is no longer protected by copyright)
  • The material is subject to an exception - e.g. fair use, the right to quote, or others under applicable copyright laws (excerpt or summary used for commentary, news reporting, research, or analysis in education)
  • The material is licensed under Creative Commons; this option also requires setting a specific Creative Commons license

If known, enter the copyright holder information in the Copyright Holder field [3].

To save your usage right settings, click the Save button [4]. You can edit usage right settings by clicking the Set usage rights icon.

Publish Announcement

Click the Publish button.

View Announcement

View the attachment in the announcement.