How do I duplicate an individual question in New Quizzes?
You can duplicate questions in your New Quizzes quizzes. A duplicated quiz question includes the question title, question stem, question data and answers, points possible, question options, and aligned outcomes.
- Duplicating a stimulus question type is not currently supported.
- Duplicating questions from item banks is not currently supported. However, individual questions added to a quiz from an item bank can be duplicated, but the copy will not be added to the item bank.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
Open Build Page
To duplicate a question from an item bank, find the quiz you want to open [1].
To open New Quizzes from an existing quiz, click the Options icon [2] and then click the Build link [3].
View Question

Locate the question you want to copy in your quiz.
- Duplicating a stimulus question type is not currently supported.
- Duplicating questions from item banks is not currently supported. However, individual questions added to a quiz from an item bank can be duplicated, but the copy will not be added to the item bank.
Copy Question

To copy the question, click the Copy icon.
Edit Copied Question

You can edit the copied question to change question content or options.
View Copied Question

View your copied question.