How do I import quizzes from QTI packages?
You can easily import quizzes from programs that create QTI files. If a program does not create QTI files, it cannot be imported into Canvas.
QTI files can be created from a variety of different learning management systems and software:
- Quizzes created in Respondus 4.0 (Windows software) can be exported as QTI packages. To learn how to use Respondus 4.0 refer to this user guide (DOC). A QuickStart guide for Respondus 4.0 is also available (PDF).
- Quizzes created in Blackboard (WebCT, Angel) can be exported as QTI packages.
- Quizzes created in Moodle can be exported as QTI packages. This will work with Moodle 2.0 or older versions. However, Moodle 2.1 and newer versions no longer export QTI packages.
- Canvas supports QTI versions 1.2 and 2.1.
- Quiz exports will not include questions from quizzes that use randomly selected questions from question banks.
Open Settings

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.
Import Content into Course

Click the Import Course Content button.
Select Content Type

In the drop-down menu, select the QTI .zip file option.
Choose File

Click the Choose File button.
Open File

Find and click the ZIP file you want to import [1]. Click the Open button [2].
View Import Options

You can manage options for your import before it is created.
If New Quizzes is enabled in your course, you can convert quizzes in the import package to the New Quizzes format [1].
You can also overwrite assessment content with matching IDs [2].
Import Existing Quizzes as New Quizzes

If allowed by your institution, you can import existing quizzes into New Quizzes by clicking the Convert content to New Quizzes checkbox.
If your institution enables the quiz migration feature, question banks linked via a question group in Classic Quizzes will migrate to New Quizzes. If the quiz migration feature is not enabled by your institution, questions from question banks must be individually added before migrating to New Quizzes.
- The Convert content to New Quizzes option only displays for courses that have enabled New Quizzes.
- If you have enabled New Quizzes but the option does not display, your institution has not enabled New Quizzes migration upon import.
- You cannot select a default question bank when using the Import assessment content as New Quizzes option.
- New Quizzes does not include a survey feature. Therefore, surveys migrated from Classic Quizzes come over as standard quizzes in New Quizzes.
- After migration to New Quizzes, multiple dropdown questions display as matching questions.
- Text No Question questions migrate to New Quizzes as Stimulus questions. An instructor must add a question in order for it to display in a quiz.
- Question groups with manually created questions will migrate as item banks in New Quizzes.
- If a quiz is migrated multiple times, Canvas uses smart merging to decipher the question bank content that should be retained. This process helps ensure all content is retained, such as in cases where multiple users may be making edits to a quiz at the same time.
- Practice quizzes from Classic Quizzes can be migrated to New Quizzes. Once migrated, by default, the practice quizzes are displayed as zero points possible and are hidden from the Gradebook and Grades page.
- All Question Banks converted to Item Banks appear on the Item Banks page of the new course under the This Course filter.
Overwrite Assessment Content

To overwrite the assessment content with matching IDs, click the Overwrite assessment content with matching IDs checkbox.
Some systems recycle their IDs for each new export. Therefore, if you export two separate question banks they will have the same IDs. To prevent losing assessment data Canvas treats the question banks as separate objects despite the IDs. Choosing this option will disable this safety feature and allow assessment data to overwrite existing data with the same IDs.
Select Question Bank

In the Default Question bank drop-down menu, select the Question bank you want to use for your question bank.
Create Question Bank

If you do not have a question bank you want to use, you can create a new question bank. In the drop-down menu, select the Create new question bank option.
Import Course

Click the Import button [1].
A progress indicator displays the upload status by percentage [2].
View Current Jobs
The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import.
The import may also display other status indicators as part of the import process. Learn more about course import statuses.
When the course has been completed, view your quizzes by accessing the Quizzes page in Course Navigation.
Note: If you imported your assessments to New Quizzes, you can view your quizzes from the Assignments page.