How do I use the Roll Call Attendance tool in a course?
After the Attendance tool has been enabled for your course, you can configure the attendance tool to meet the needs of your students. However, some items cannot be configured until after your course is published and students have accepted the course invitation.
Note: The Attendance tool must be enabled by your Canvas admin before it can be used in your course. If you cannot see the Attendance link in Course Navigation, please contact your administrator.
Open Attendance

In Course Navigation, click the Attendance link.
Note: The Attendance link does not display to students, so you do not need to hide this link in the Navigation tab within Course Settings.
Edit Roll Call Settings

To edit Roll Call settings, click the Settings icon [1], then click the Roll Call Settings button [2].
You can exclude the Roll Call assignment from the final grade and adjust the lateness value.
Exclude from Final Grade

If you do not want the Roll Call Attendance assignment to count toward the final grade, select the Do not count attendance toward final grade checkbox.
Note: Excluding an assignment from the final grade can also be managed from the assignment settings. However, it is recommended to manage the setting in Roll Call settings.
View Lateness Value

To specify a lateness percentage, move the slider bar. By default, the lateness bar is set to 80%.
The lateness percentage indicates the attendance score a student will receive if they are marked late. For example, a student with one presence (100%) and one lateness (80%) will have an average attendance score of 90%.
Create Seating Chart

When your course is published and students have accepted course invitations, you can create a seating chart in the Class view.
Manage Badges
When your course is published and students have accepted course invitations, you can use a student to manage badges in your course. Any badges added at the account level will automatically display as badges in your course. You can add additional badges for your course before you begin taking roll call.
Change Attendance Value
If you want to change the value of Attendance in your course, or if you want to remove Attendance from the Gradebook completely, currently you must take roll call for at least one student before you can make any changes in Roll Call. Learn more about how to change the value of Roll Call Attendance.