How do I apply a Missing Submission policy in the Gradebook?
The Missing Submission policy lets you automatically apply a grade for all missing submissions in the Gradebook. A submission is labeled missing when the assignment is an Online submission type, the due date has passed, and it has not been submitted. Only submissions with a status of Missing are affected by the Missing Submission policy. The Missing Submission policy is set per course.
The Missing Submission policy allows you to define a grade that will be granted for missing submissions as a percentage of the total points possible. The percent entered is multiplied by the total points possible on the assignment and the resulting value will be awarded to missing submissions. For example, if the Missing submission grade is set to 20% and the assignment is worth 10 points, all missing submissions for that assignment will be awarded a grade of 2 points (10 points possible x 20% = 2 points awarded). To award all missing submissions with a grade of 0, the Missing submission grade can be set to 0%.
- If a submission is received after the due date, the Missing label will be automatically replaced by the Late label. However, any label can be manually removed in the Grade Detail Tray. Learn how to change the status of a submission.
- When a missing assignment is submitted, the new submission must be updated in the gradebook or the grade will not change.
- Setting a Missing Submission policy affects all assignments in a course, including assignments with due dates in the past. To exclude a specific assignment, mark the submission as something other than Missing in the Grade Detail Tray.
- Applying a missing submission policy does not affect previously graded missing submissions. Therefore, the Missing Submission policy should be set up when a course is created prior to creating assignments.
- The Missing Submission policy does not affect submissions in closed grading periods or submissions for concluded enrollments.
- The Missing Submission policy is not automatically applied to No Submission, On Paper, or External Tool assignments with the exception of New Quizzes quizzes. However, you can add a Missing label in the Grade Detail Tray. Learn how to change the status of a submission.
- If a Missing Submission policy is applied in a course, missing submissions for Complete/Incomplete assignments are awarded an Incomplete grade with a score of 0, regardless of the Missing submission grade value.
- Disabling a course Missing Submission policy does not revert grades that were submitted when the policy was enabled.
- The Missing Submission policy does not apply to unpublished assignments.
Troubleshooting Tip: If you believe that a grade is not being applied correctly to a missing submission, check the assignment submission type and due date. The Missing Submission policy only applies to assignments using the Online submission type. If the assignment submission type is not set to Online, you can edit the submission type. Due dates must be in the past. If the assignment due date is not in the past, you can edit the due date.
Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
View Late Policies

In Gradebook Settings, view the Late Policies tab.
Apply Missing Submission Policy

Click the Automatically apply grade for missing submissions checkbox. Selecting this checkbox will automatically apply the grade you set for any missing submissions in the course.
Set Missing Submission Percentage

Set a percentage in the Grade percentage for missing submissions field.
Apply Settings

Click the Apply Settings button.
View Grades

View the affected grades in the Gradebook.
View Grade Detail Tray

In the Grade Detail Tray, you can view details about the submission. When a Missing Submission policy is applied to a submission, the grade for missing submissions displays [1] and the status is Missing [2].
To remove the Missing status from a submission, you can select a different status or enter a new grade in the Grade field. Once you enter a new grade, the Missing Submission policy no longer applies, and the Missing status label is automatically removed.