How do I allow students to create their own student groups?
You can allow students to create their own student groups in your course. Groups created by students cannot be used to assign group projects. Students can be a member of more than one student group. Students can create students groups to create study groups, collaborate on projects, host discussions, and schedule meetings and conferences.
When new student groups are created, they will display on the Student Groups tab on the People page.
Note: If necessary, student groups listed in the Student Groups tab on the People page can be deleted. However, the Student Groups group set cannot be deleted if student groups have been added to the set.
Open Settings

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.
Open Course Details

Click the Course Details tab.
Enable Student Groups

To allow students to create their own student groups, select the Let students organize their own groups checkbox.
Update Course Details

Click the Update Course Details button.
View Student Groups

On the People page, you can view student groups. Click the Student Groups tab to view groups created by your students.