How do I edit a quiz in New Quizzes?
After you have created a New Quizzes quiz, you can edit the quiz from the Build page. This lessons shows how to edit the title, instructions, and individual questions in a quiz. You can also manage delivery settings in New Quizzes.
To edit the point total, assignment group, due date, availability dates, and individual students and course sections who will receive the quiz, you need to edit the quiz from the Assignments Page in Canvas.
If you edit a New Quizzes quiz after students have taken the quiz, you will be prompted to edit a copy of the question you're editing. If you edit a copy of the question, Canvas will create a new version of the question only visible to students who have not yet taken the quiz or who have additional attempts.
Open from Quizzes Page
Open Quizzes

To open a quiz from the Quizzes page, click the Quizzes link in Course Navigation.
Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
Open from Modules Page
Open Modules

To open a quiz from the Modules page, click the Modules link in Course Navigation.
Edit Title

To edit the title of the quiz, click the Title field. Then enter the new quiz title.
Edit Instructions

To edit the instructions of the quiz, click the Instructions field.
Use the Rich Content Editor to enter your instructions [1]. Quiz instructions can include link [2], images [3], and media [4].
Edit Question

To edit a question, locate the question you want to edit [1]. Then click the Edit icon [2].

Edit the question.
View Warning Message
If the question you want to edit has been added to an item bank, a warning message will display on the page [1]. You will only be able to edit some options and point values in the question [2].
To edit the question in the item bank, click the Edit in Bank button [3].
Return to Canvas

To close your quiz and return to the area in Canvas where the quiz was opened, click the Return button.