How do I view an announcement thread as an instructor?

You can view threaded replies to announcements when replies are enabled. Threaded replies display in the Thread sidebar.

You can quote a threaded reply when responding to a user in a thread.

Open Announcements

Open Announcements

In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.

Open Announcement

Open Announcement

Click the name of the announcement [1].

Note: If the announcement has replies, you can view the number of unread replies and the number of replies [2].

Open Threaded Replies

If course users have replied to an announcement reply, you can view the reply thread by clicking # of replies link [1].

View Threaded Replies

View Threaded Replies

Threaded replies expand and display [1]. View the name of the user who posted the reply as well as the date and time the reply was posted [2].

Manage Threaded Reply

Manage Threaded Reply

To manage a threaded reply, click the reply Options icon [1]. Then select one of the following menu options:

  • Mark as Read [2]: Mark this reply as read.
  • Mark Thread as Read [3]: Mark the whole thread as read.
  • Mark Thread as Unread [4]: Mark the whole thread as unread.
  • Go to Parent [5]: Select the top reply in the thread.
  • Edit [6]: Edit the reply.
  • Quote Reply [7]: Start a reply by including a copy of the reply.
  • Delete [8]: Delete the reply.

Quote Reply

Quote Reply

To create a reply that includes quoted text from another reply, click the reply's Options icon [1]. Then click the Quote Reply option [2].

Create Reply

Create Reply

The Include quoted reply in message toggle displays and is enabled by default [2]. To exclude quoted text from your reply, click the toggle off.  

To enter your reply, links, photos, equations, and/or media, or @mention course users, use the Rich Content Editor [1].

To post your reply, click the Reply button [3].

View Your Reply

View Your Reply

View your reply that includes the quoted reply.