What scoring methods are available for math items?
In Mastery Connect, you can create mathematically-oriented items through one of the following item types: math formula, image cloze math formula, or cloze math formula. When creating a math item, you can select a scoring method to evaluate the student response. Some scoring methods evaluate the student response and compare it to the correct answer set by the author. Other scoring methods check to ensure that the student response is in a certain form.
Some scoring methods support additional options that let you override default behaviors.
You can combine scoring methods.
equivSymbolic (symbolic equivalence)
The equivSymbolic scoring method checks that the student response and the correct answer entered by the author are symbolically equivalent in meaning, even if they are in different forms.
- equivSymbolic cannot be used with units of measurement.
- equivSymbolic works with variables.
- equivSymbolic works with trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential expressions.
- Additional options are available for equivSymbolic.
equivLiteral (literal equivalence)
The equivLiteral scoring method checks that the student response and the correct answer entered by the author are equivalent and in the same form.
- equivLiteral works with decimals, fractions, variables, and percentages.
- equivLiteral works with trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential expressions.
- Additional options are available for equivLiteral.
equivValue (value equivalence)
The equivValue scoring method checks that the student response and the correct answer entered by the author are equivalent in meaning, even if they are in different forms.
- equivValue can be used with units of measurement.
- equivValue does not work with variables.
- equivValue works with trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential expressions.
- Additional options are available for equivValue.
isSimplified (simplification)
The isSimplified scoring method checks that the student response is in the most simplified form.
isFactorised (factorization)
The isFactorised scoring method checks that the student response is in a factorized form.
isExpanded (expansion)
The isExpanded scoring method checks that the student response is in an expanded form.
isTrue (boolean evaluation)
The isTrue scoring method checks that the student's response is true; this is mainly used with boolean operators.
isUnit (unit comparison)
The isUnit scoring method checks that the student's response is in a specified form of units set by the author.
stringMatch (string comparison)
The stringMatch scoring method checks that the student's response string matches the correct answer entered by the author; used for math fragments and is not mathematic.
equivSyntax (syntax comparison)
The equivSyntax scoring method checks that the student's response matches a specific syntax entered by the author.