How do I create a passage in a district item bank as an admin?
As a Mastery Connect district administrator (admin) or district item author, you can create a passage in either the district item bank or the district teacher item bank. A passage most often contains text, images, tables, or other reference material that accompanies an item. You can use the passage editor to enter text and other content, preview the passage, and save the passage.
You can then add a passage as a feature to any item type. You can learn more about creating an item in the district item bank as an admin.
View Item Banks
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then click the Item Bank link [2].
Open Item Bank
To add a passage to the district teacher item bank, click the district teacher item bank name link [1].
To add a passage to the district item bank, click the district item bank name link [2].
Open Passages
To add a passage to the bank, click the Passages tab [1]. Then, click the Add Passage button [2].
Enter Passage Details
Enter the passage title in the Title field [1].
To select an optional grade level for the passage, click the Grade Level drop-down menu and select a grade range option [2].
By default, English is selected as the language for the passage. To create a Spanish language passage, click the Language drop-down menu and select the Spanish option [3].
To enter passage text, click in the Passage field [4].
Enter Passage Text
When you click in the passage field, the passage content editor displays [1].
Enter text in the text field [2].
To format the passage text, add images, add math, etc., use the buttons and menus in the passage content editor.
Preview Passage
To preview the passage as a student would see it, click the Preview tab.
Return to Edit
To return to passage editing, click the Edit button.
Save Passage
To save and preview the passage, click the Save button [1].
Alternatively, to save the passage without previewing, click the Save and Continue Editing button [2].