How do I use the passage content editor?
In Mastery Connect, you can create passages using the passage content editor. The passage content editor allows you to format text and paragraphs, find or replace text, or view the text source in HTML. You can also use the passage content editor to insert content such as images, math, and tables.
Open Items
In the Global Navigation menu, click the Items link.
Open Passage Content Editor
Enter the passage title in the Title field [1].
To open the passage content editor, click in the Passage field [2].
View Passage Content Editor
When you click in the Passage field, the passage content editor displays.
View Button Functions
To learn what a button does, hover the cursor over the button [1]. Then, view the button function [2].
Format Text
To format text, select text [1]. Then, click a formatting button [2].
Find and Replace Text
To find or replace text, click the Find icon [1] or the Replace icon [2].
Enter Text to Find
In the Find and Replace window, the Find tab displays [1].
Enter text in the Find what field [2].
To match text by case, whole word, or to cycle through the text repeatedly, click the appropriate checkboxes in the Find Options section [3].
Find Text
To find the text, click the Find button [1].
The first match found is highlighted in the text [2]. To find additional matches, click the Find button again.
Replace Text
To replace text using the Find and Replace window, click the Replace tab [1].
Enter text to find in the Find what field [2].
Enter text to replace the found text in the Replace with field [3].
To match text by case, whole word, or to cycle through the text repeatedly, click the appropriate checkboxes in the Find Options section [4].
To find the first text match, click the Replace button [5]. Alternatively, to replace all the matches, click the Replace All button [6].
Matches found are highlighted in the text [7].
To close the Find and Replace window, click the Close button [8].
View or Edit HTML Source
To view or edit the HTML source code in the passage content editor, click the Source icon [1]. As needed, make any edits in the text editor [2].
To exit HTML source code view, click the Source icon again.
Insert Image
To insert an image, click in the passage where you want place the image [1]. Then, click the Image button [2].
Select and Format Image
Click the Choose File button [1]. Then, select a file from your computer.
To control the width, height, border size, horizontal space, and vertical space around the image, enter values in the fields [2]. By default, the image width and height ratio is fixed. To adjust width and height without maintaining ratio, click the Lock Ratio icon [3].
To control the alignment of the image within the text, click the Alignment drop-down menu and select an option [4].
To see how the image will appear within passage text, view it in the Preview window [5].
To insert the image, click the OK button [6].
Insert Math
To insert mathematical expressions, click the Math icon.
Enter LaTeX
Enter mathematical expressions using LaTeX syntax [1]. To learn how to enter math using LaTex, click the TeX documentation link [2].
In the preview area, view how the syntax will display in the passage [3].
To insert the mathematical expression, click the OK button [4].
Insert Table
To insert a table, click the Table icon.
Set Table Properties
In the Table Properties window, specify the number of rows and columns for the table [1].
To specify width and height of the table, enter values in the Width and Height fields [2].
To include a column or row headers in bold text, click the Headers drop-down menu [3]. Then, select the First Row, First Column, or Both option.
To control the table border size, enter a value in the Border size field [4].
To control the location of the table within the passage text, click the Alignment drop-down menu [5]. Then, select the Left, Center, or Right option.
To control spacing between cells, enter values in the Cell spacing and Cell padding fields [6].
To include a table title, enter it in the Caption field [7].
To include a table description, enter it in the Summary field [8].
For advanced table options such as table ID, additional style control, language direction, and stylesheet class application, click the Advanced tab [9].
To insert the table, click the OK button [10].
View Table
The table inserts into the passage text area according to the table properties you selected.
Edit Table
To edit the table, right-click on the table. Then, click any of the following links:
- Cell [1]: insert, delete, merge, or split cells
- Row [2]: insert or delete rows
- Column [3]: insert or delete columns
- Delete Table [4]: delete the table
- Table Properties [5]: edit the table properties