How do I view and manage collections shared with me and others in Canvas Studio?
You can view collections shared with you in your Shared library. If a collection is shared, you can view the list of groups and individuals with whom it is also shared.
From the Shared Library list, you can manage your shared access, including removing your own access. If you added the collection to Studio, or if you can edit a the collection that is shared with you, you can also manage shared access for all others with whom the collection is shared.
Open Shared Library

In the Studio Navigation menu, click the Shared Library drop-down menu.
Open Collection

To open a collection, click the collection name link.
Share Collection
In the Collection window, click the Options icon [1]. Then click the Share Collection link [2].
View Shared With List

View the groups and individuals with whom the collection is shared in the Shared with list [1].
You can also share the collection with other users and groups [2].
Note: If the collection is shared to you with Can View access only [3], you can share the collection with other users and groups. However, you can only share it with Can View access.
Manage Media Access

To manage your own access to the collection, click the Sharing Access drop-down menu [1].
If the file was shared to you with Can View access [2], you cannot select the the Can Edit option [3].
To remove your shared access, click the Revoke Access option [4].
Manage Others' Media Access

If you added the collection to Studio or if it is shared to you with edit access, you can manage others' shared access.
In the Shared with section, locate the user or group in the list. Then click the Sharing Access drop-down menu [1].
To allow another user to view, copy, and share the collection, select the Can View option [2].
To allow another user to view, edit, delete, download, copy, and share the collection, select the Can Edit option [3].
To remove a user's shared access, click the Revoke Access option [4].
Update Shared Media

Click the Update button.