How do I add media from YouTube and Vimeo in my Studio account?
If allowed by your institution, you can add media from YouTube and Vimeo in your Studio account. Once the YouTube or Vimeo video is added in Studio, you can add annotations, share access, and manage the media using the media tabs.
Currently, Studio does not support subtitles/closed captioning transcripts provided on media added from YouTube or Vimeo. To add captions to these media (if the copyright allows), you can upload caption files in Studio. You can also create captions from scratch.
If a YouTube or Vimeo video's privacy settings change to restrict public access, the Studio player displays a notice. Contact the video owner and request an update to the video share settings.
Studio also supports uploading media files to your Studio account.
- Vimeo videos with an Unlisted privacy setting cannot be added to Studio.
- Admins can restrict users from adding media via YouTube or Vimeo. Learn more about managing permissions in Canvas Studio.
- When a YouTube video is added in Canvas Studio, it is still ultimately loaded from YouTube. If your institution blocks direct navigations to YouTube but allows YouTube embeds, Canvas Studio videos added from YouTube will play.
- Currently, Studio does not support the replacement of the video thumbnail for media added from YouTube or Vimeo.
Add Media

In the My Library page, click the Create drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Add Media link [2].
Note: Admins can restrict users from uploading media from a device. Learn more about managing permissions in Canvas Studio.
Add Media URL

Enter the video URL in the Youtube or Vimeo Link field [1]. Then click the Add Video button [2].
View Added Media

Media added via external sources (Vimeo or YouTube) displays the source's logo and the name of the user who uploaded the media.
Edit Media

To edit the media, click the More Options icon [1]. Then, to select an editing option, click a link from the list [2].
Manage Media
When you view the media, you can share the media, delete the media, or download a transcript of any captions from the More Options menu [1].
To manage media playback speed and turn commenting on and off, click the Media Settings icon [2].
To view the media in a library or course, click the Media Location drop-down menu [3]. If the media is added in a course, you can view course-specific media details.
You can also edit media details [4], view comments [5], review user insights and analytics [6], and add captions from scratch or upload a caption file [7].