How do I trim a media file in Canvas Studio?
You can trim a Studio media file by selecting and removing material from the file at the beginning, end, or both.
After trimming your media, you can replace your original file with the trimmed version or you can save the trimmed media as a new file.
- You can only edit media you access through the My Library page.
- You cannot edit embedded course media from its location in the course.
- If you edit a media file that is already embedded in a course, you can update it to the edited version by removing and re-embedding the file in the course location.
- You can only edit media you have uploaded to Studio.
- You cannot edit imported Youtube and Vimeo videos.
- If you trim a media file that has captions, the captions are trimmed along with the video as closely as possible. After trimming, check the file and captions for alignment.
Open Media Editor

In the My Library page, locate the media and click the Options icon [1]. Then click the Edit Media link [2].
Note: To edit media that has been shared with you, you must copy the media to your library.
Open Trim Mode
To trim the beginning or the end of the media, click the Trim button.
Note: The media timeline will not display frame previews in the video editor on mobile devices.
View Selection Sliders
Selection sliders display at the beginning and at the end of the media timeline.
Drag Selection Sliders
To select part of the media to remove at the beginning, click the left selection slider and drag to a location on the timeline [1]. The portion of the timeline selected for trimming becomes red and shaded.
As you drag the selection slider, Studio displays beginning and ending timestamps for the media selection you are keeping [2].
Repeat the selection process at the end of the timeline using the right selection slider [3].
Note: To zoom in or out on the timeline, click the Zoom buttons [4].
Confirm or Discard Trim
View the selections that will be removed from the timeline [1].
To trim the media and end trim mode, click the Confirm Trim button [2].
To discard the trim selections and end trim mode, click the Discard button [3].
Save or Discard Trimmed Media
You can continue editing the media, save, or discard.
To save the media either as a copy or to replace the original, click the Save button [1].
To discard all edits and return to the media library, click the Cancel button [2].
Confirm Discard

To discard all edits and return to the media library, click the Quit and Discard button.
Save Changes

In the Save Changes window, you can replace the original media file or create a copy.
To replace the original media file with the edited media, click the Replace original media radio button [1].
To create an edited copy of the original media, click the Create a copy radio button [2]. By default, the title of the trimmed copy is Copy: [original title]. To edit the title for the copy, enter a new title in the Title field [3].
To save changes and return to the My Library page, click the Save button [4].
Note: If you create a copy of a media file you have shared with other users or groups, the copy is not automatically shared.