How do I add a Canvas Studio media module item in a Canvas course as an instructor?
As an instructor, you can add a Canvas Studio video or audio file as a module item as an external tool. A copy of the media is saved in Course Collections.
Open Modules

In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
Add Module Item

Click the Add Item button.
Add External Tool

In the Add [Item Type] To: drop-down menu, select the External Tool option.
Find External Tool

Click the Studio tool.
Locate Media in Library
By default, the page displays media from your collection. To view other collections, click the My Library menu and click a collection name link [1].
To search for a video or audio file, click the Search icon [2].
Note: If you are an instructor, you can also view media collections for your courses.
Upload New Media
To upload new media, click the Create button [1].
You can add media from a screen capture, webcam capture, computer upload, or external link. To select the type of media you want to add, click the appropriate link [2].
You can also drag and drop media into the window. You can bulk upload multiple media files at a time. The maximum file size for a media upload is 10 GB.
Select Media

Hover over the media you want to embed, then click the Select button.
Select Media Tabs Option
You can display Media Tabs in the embedded media file. The Media Tabs can include the Details, Comments, Insights, and Captions tabs. To display or hide the Media Tabs in the embedded media file, click the Display media tabs toggle.
Click the Embed Media button [2].
Note: By default, the media tabs option may be enabled or disabled. If you are unable to enable media tabs, the feature has not been made available by your Studio admin.
Embed at Timestamp

If you are embedding media from an external source such as YouTube or Vimeo, you can set the media to begin playing at a particular timestamp.
To embed media at a timestamp, click or play the video at the desired time [1]. Then, click the Set current button [2]. The time displayed on the Set current button displays in the Timestamp field [3]. Alternatively, enter a time directly into the Timestamp field.
- The option to start embedded media at a timestamp only displays if the media is from YouTube or Vimeo.
- Discussions created directly in a group do not include the embed options for Studio media and do not track viewership data. To view the embed options and viewership data when creating a discussion for a course group, the discussion must be created on the course level and then set as a group discussion.
Enable Media Downloads
When embedding internal media that you created and uploaded in Studio, you can elect to allow students to download the media. To enable student downloads, click the Allow Media Download toggle on.
By default, this option is turned off.
Note: The Display Download Option toggle only displays if you are the owner who created and uploaded the media file in Studio.
Embed Media

Click the Embed Media button.
Add Item

To have the media open in a new browser tab, click the Load in a new tab checkbox [1]. Choose whether or not to indent the item in the module drop-down menu [2].
Click the Add Item button [3].