How do I view Canvas Studio video quiz and item analysis results?
You can view Canvas Studio video quiz results in Canvas. The Quiz and Item Analysis report includes statistics for the entire quiz, as well as for individual items.
You can also view individual student results.
Note: Canvas Studio quiz and item analysis statistics are based on those generated by Canvas New Quizzes. You can learn more about the statistics.
Open Embedded Video

Open the Canvas feature area that contains the embedded Studio quiz you want to view.
Open Quiz Results

Click the Quiz Results tab.
Note: If the Quiz Results tab does not display, this feature has not been enabled in your account. Please contact your admin for more information.
Generate Quiz and Item Analysis Report

From the Quiz Reports drop-down menu, select the Quiz and Item Analysis option [1]. Then, click the Generate Report button [2].
Note: To generate quiz results, there must be quiz data from at least three students.
View Quiz Analysis

The report displays the quiz title [1] and the report generation date and time [2]. To incorporate quiz data available after the report generation date and time, click the Generate Report button [3].
The quiz report displays the following statistics [4]:
- High Score: highest percentage score
- Low Score: lowest percentage score
- Mean Score: average percentage score
- Median Score: median percentage score
- Mean Elapsed Time: average time taken to complete the quiz
The Score Distribution graph displays the distribution of earned scores. Each bar displays the total number of students [5] who received the corresponding percentage score [6].
View Expanded Quiz Analysis

Click the Expand/Collapse icon [1]. The following statistics display:
- Standard Deviation [2]: amount of variation from the mean score in percentage
- Cronbach's Alpha [3]: an internal consistency measure that estimates the reliability of a quiz
View Item Analysis

In the Item Analysis section, you can view each item's title [1], question type [2], and question stem [3]. You can also view the following statistics:
- Item Difficulty [4]: measures the proportion of students who answered the question correctly
- Mean Earned Points [5]: displays the average point score out of the maximum possible points
- Median Earned Points [6]: displays the median point score out of the maximum possible points
- Discrimination Index [7]: assesses the ability of an item to differentiate between the highest scoring and lowest scoring students
Note: For more details about a statistic, click an Information icon [8].
View Expanded Item Analysis

To view additional item analysis details, click the item Expand/Collapse icon [1]. You can view:
- Corrected Item-Total Correlation Coefficient [2]: measures the correlation between a given item and the total score
- Answer Frequency Summary Chart [3]: displays each answer choice along with the number and percentage of respondents (students) who selected the answer choice
Note: Correct answers display a check mark [4].