How do I view Studio Analytics usage data for my institution's Canvas Studio account?
As an admin, you can view usage data for you institution's Studio account. Studio Analytics provide information about the media usage as well as the user activity for your account.
Studio media analytics include information about the amount, duration, and storage, of media as well as the number of courses with embedded media.
Studio user analytics include the number of users in your Studio account, as well as the top ten users by upload and by storage.
Open Studio Analytics

In the Admin drop-down menu, click the Analytics link [2].
View Studio Analytics
By default, Studio Analytics displays the Media page. You can also view user analytics from the Users tab.
View Media Analytics Page
The Media page displays your media data in the following sections:
- Trends [1]: graphs of your Studio account media trends over twelve months [1].
- Summary [2]: an overview of your account's current media totals and a paginated table with media totals organized by month.
Learn more about viewing Studio media usage analytics.
View User Analytics Page
The Users page displays the total number of users in your Studio account [1]. It also displays user data in the following sections:
- Number of Users By Role [2]: a graph depicting the number of users in your Studio account with a default Canvas user role assignment.
- Top Users [3]: tables displaying the top ten users by upload and by storage usage.
Learn more about viewing Studio user analytics.