How do I delete media in Canvas Studio?

If necessary, you can delete a video or audio file from Canvas Studio.

Deleting a video or audio file also removes all comments.


  • If you delete media embedded in a course from the My Library page, the media remains embedded in the course. To remove the media embedded in a course, delete the media from the course collection.
  • If you delete media from a course collection, the media is only deleted from the course where you are deleting the media. The media still exists in all other courses where the media is embedded.

Locate Media

Access Canvas Studio and locate the media you want to delete.

To search for a specific media item, click the Search icon [1].

By default, most recently added media displays first. To display media in alphabetic order by name, click the Sort By drop-down menu [2]. Then, click the Name link [3].

By default, all media in the library displays. To view only media collections, click the View all drop-down menu [4]. Then, click the Collections link [5]. To view media by caption status, click the Media drop-down menu [6]. Then, click a caption status option [7].

Locate Shared or Embedded Media

In the Navigation Menu, to view media shared with you, click the Shared with Me link [1].

To view media embedded in courses, click the View all drop-down menu [2], and click the Collections link [3].

Note: You can only delete shared media if you have edit access to the media.

Open More Options

Open More Options

Click the More icon.

Delete Media

Delete Media

Select the Delete Media option.

Confirm Delete

Confirm Delete

Click the Delete button.