How do I embed a Canvas Studio video quiz in the Canvas Rich Content Editor as an instructor?
In Canvas, instructors, teaching assistants (TAs), designers, and Canvas Studio account admins can embed video quizzes from Studio in any feature area that contains the Rich Content Editor, including Assignments, Discussions, and Pages. Media is embedded using the Studio LTI tool.
Embedding a Canvas Studio video quiz in the Rich Content Editor will not post grades to the Gradebook. To post grades to the Gradebook, create an external tool assignment.
- Before embedding a Studio video quiz, you must create the Studio quiz from your My Library page.
- Once a version of a quiz has been embedded or taken, it cannot be edited.
Open Studio in Rich Content Editor
Open any Canvas feature area that supports the Rich Content Editor, such as Discussions, Assignments, or Pages. Click the Studio icon [1].
If the Studio icon does not display in the toolbar, click the Options icon [2].
Select Media
In the Studio Embed Window, hover the cursor over the media. Then, click the media tile or the Select button.
Display or Hide Media Tabs
You can display Media Tabs in the embedded media file. The Media Tabs can include the Details, Comments, Insights, and Captions tabs.
To display or hide the Media Tabs, click the Display Media Tabs toggle on or off.
- By default, the Display Media Tabs option may be on or off. Admins control whether it is on or off by default through Studio Settings.
- Once you embedded the quiz, the media will automatically start at 0:00 even if you set a start time.
Embed Quiz
Click the Embed Quiz drop-down menu and select the quiz you want to embed [1]. Then click the Embed Media button [2].
View Embedded Media
View the embedded media in the Rich Content Editor [1].
You can also view and edit media details [2], view insights [3], manage captions [4], or view quiz results [5].
You can remove the media from the page by highlighting it and pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.
Publish Media

To publish your Rich Content Editor content immediately, click the Save & Publish button [1]. To save your content as a draft, click the Save button [2].