How do I view groups in an account?
You can view existing groups in your account. Viewing groups at the account level is similar to viewing groups at the course level. The groups created at the account level will still show up in the Groups menu in the Global Navigation menu.
Note: Viewing user groups is an account permission. If you cannot view user groups, your admin has restricted this option.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open People

In Account Settings, click the People link.
View User Groups

Click the View User Groups link.
View Group Sets
Once you create a group set in your account, the group set displays as a tab for easy access to the group information [1]. You can also view a group set directly by clicking the name of the tab.
The highlighted tab shows which group set you are viewing [2]. Click any tab to view another group set.
View Groups
When you created the group set, you also created groups, either manually or automatically.
By default, all groups are collapsed in the page. You can expand each group and see which students are assigned to each group in the group set, if any, by clicking the arrow next to the group name [1].
Once users are participating in a group, you can view their activity within a group by clicking the group Options icon [2] and selecting the Visit Group Homepage link [3].
Manage Group Set
To manage a group, click the group Options icon [1].
To edit the name of the group, click the Edit link [2]. To delete the group, click the Delete link [3].
Note: Currently the Randomly Assign Students link is not supported in account groups. All users must be added manually to each group.