How do I add a section to a course as an admin?

You can add a section to your course by editing your course Settings in Canvas. Sections help subdivide students within a course and offer section-specific options such as varied due dates for assignments, discussions, and quizzes. Sections also display for each student within the course People page and the Gradebook.

Sections can also be created for students who need extra time in a course, such as if a student has an incomplete grade.

Note: Sections may be added by your institution's student information system (SIS). Some course sections may have already been created for you.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open Courses

Open Courses

In Account Navigation, click the Courses link.

Note: When you open an account, the account defaults to the Courses page.

Find Course

Find Course

To find the course in the account, use the filter and search options.

Open Settings

In the courses list, click the course Settings icon.

Open Sections

Open Sections

Click the Sections tab.

Add Section

Add Section

In the section field [1], type the name of the new section. Click the Add Section button [2].


View Section

If you need to add or edit an SIS ID, click the name of the section.


Edit Section

Click the Edit Section button.

Edit Section

In the SIS ID field [1], enter or edit the SIS ID. Click the Update Section button [2].

View Section

View Section

View the section in your course.

You can also choose to change section start and end dates if needed.

You can add additional sections if necessary. Multiple sections are ordered alphabetically.

Note: Sections with SIS IDs also display the section's SIS ID in the Course Sections page.