How do I find an existing outcome to add to an account in Improved Outcomes Management?
You can import an individual outcome or multiple outcomes that are available to import for your institution.
Learning Standards imported to the account or sub-account levels can be found within the Account Standards outcome group. Depending on what is available to your institution, the following learning standards may be available:
- Common Core Standards are available for Language Arts, Math, and Science (NGSS)
- State-specific standards are available for Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies (if imported by your institution)
- ISTE Standards for Coaches, Computer Science Educators, Students, Teachers, and Administrators
This lesson displays how to find outcomes in a course within an account that has enabled the Improved Outcomes Management feature option. If the Outcomes page in your course displays differently than the images in this lesson, learn how to find outcomes in the classic Outcomes page view.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Outcomes

In Account Navigation, click the Outcomes link.
Find Outcomes
To find and add an Outcome at the root level course outcome group, click the Find button [1].
To find and add an Outcome in a specific outcomes group, select an outcome group [2]. In the outcome group, click the Options icon [3], then select the Add Outcomes option [4].
Add Outcomes
Click the name of an outcome group [1].
View the outcome for the outcome group [2]. You can adjust the size of the Outcome Group and Outcome windows by clicking and dragging the divider bar [3].
To locate a specific outcome, you can enter the outcome name in the Search field [4].
When you have located an outcome, click the Add button for that outcome [5]. When an outcome has been added, the outcome displays an Added label [6].
To add all outcomes in a group, click the Add All Outcomes button [7].
To return to the account Outcomes page, click the Done button [8].
View Outcome
View the imported outcomes.
Outcomes are imported to either the main account outcome level or the selected outcome group. Learn how to move outcomes or outcome groups.