How do I manage developer keys for an account?
As an admin, you can manage developer keys for root accounts. You can manage the status for individual developer keys and control direct access to specific API endpoints for third-party tools.
Newly-created developer keys default to off in an account.
- Developer Keys is an account permission. If you cannot view the Developer Keys link in Account Navigation, this permission has not been enabled for your user account.
- Although new keys are disabled when created, keys created prior to July 14, 2018, have been turned on by default to ensure uninterrupted access.
- Instructure does not review vendors prior to issuance of global developer keys, though specific vendor information is required. You should review your list of inherited keys to ensure that only institution-approved keys are active. To determine which developer keys are being used in your account, run the Developer Keys Report.
- Developer key states and tokens from a consortium parent account are not inherited in subaccounts of a standard consortium child account. Additionally, enabling or disabling developer keys in the parent account of a non-centrally managed consortium does not affect the tool installations in child accounts.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Developer Keys

In Account Navigation, click the Developer Keys link.
View Developer Keys
The Developer Keys page defaults to the Account tab, where you can view the developer keys for your account. The account page displays the All filter [1], which displays all account developer keys. You can also select between viewing All , LTI keys, and API keys.
To search for an account key, enter a name, email or ID in the Search by name, email or ID field [2].
Each key shows the name [3], owner's email [4], details [5], stats [6], type [7], and state [8].
If a key has been configured as an LTI key, the Type column will display the External Tool icon [9].
View Inherited Keys
To view inherited keys associated with your account, click the Inherited tab [1].
By default, the inherited page displays the All filter [2], which displays all inherited developer keys. You can also select between viewing All, LTI keys, and API keys.
To search for an inherited key, enter name or ID in the Search by name or ID field [3].
Inherited keys are keys created and managed at a global level by Canvas. You can manage the state of inherited keys for your account. However, if a key is grayed out [4], it has been enabled globally and cannot be modified on a specific account level.
Note: For search results to display, you must enter at least three characters in the search field.
Manage Developer Keys
To deactivate a key, click the toggle button to the Off position [1]. To edit a key, click the Edit icon [2]. To delete the key, click the Delete icon [3].
View Confirmation Message

When changes are made to a developer key, a confirmation message displays. To confirm the changes, click the Delete button [1]. To cancel the changes, click the Cancel button [2].