How do I view grade change activity for an account?
As an admin, you can view grade change activity for your account without having to access the API or grade history page. You can view grade changes by grader and by student. You can also view grade change logs for specific courses and assignments using the course and assignment IDs.
Note: Grade change activity in Admin Tools cannot be viewed by sub-account admins.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Admin Tools

In Account Navigation, click the Admin Tools link.
Open Logging

Click the Logging tab.
Select Log Type

From the log type drop-down menu, select the Grade Change Activity option.
Search for Grade Change

To view grade change activity results, search using one or more search parameters.
Grader [1]: Allows you to search by grader name (e.g. instructor or TA)
Student [2]: Allows you to search by student name
Course ID [3]: Allows you to search by course. You can locate your course id number at the end of your course URL (i.e.
Assignment ID [4]: Allows you to search by assignment. You can locate your assignment id number at the end of your course URL (i.e.
From/To Date [5]: Allows you to narrow your search parameters by date range.
Note: When typing an individual's name into either the grader or student field, Canvas will automatically generate a list of matching names. Canvas will not accept entries in the grader and student fields that are not selected from the drop-down list of Canvas users. Currently, the assignment and course id can only be searched if the id is known.
View Grade Change Activity
Enter search criteria in the appropriate field(s) [1] and click the Search Logs button [2]. Canvas will display any applicable results for the criteria entered. In the example above, the search generated all activity based on the grader and student [3]. Results include:
- The Date the grade was changed
- The Time the grade was changed
- The previously assigned grade it was changed From; the dash (-) indicates there was no previously assigned grade and an EX indicates the assignment was excused
- The new grade it was changed To
- The Grader who assigned the grade change
- The Student who received the grade change
- The Course in which the grade was changed
- The Assignment for which the grade was changed
- Whether or not the grader selected the Hide Student Names (Anonymous) option in SpeedGrader settings