How do I add Roll Call Attendance badges to an account?

The Roll Call Attendance tool features badges that can be used to track particular behaviors or achievements among your students. You can create these badges at the account level and they will appear to instructors with courses within your account.

Instructors can also create their own badges within their courses. However, you can manage badges within a course at any time.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open Attendance

Click Attendance Link

In Account Navigation, click the Attendance link.

Manage Badges

Access Account-Level Badges

Click the Manage badges tab.

Add Badge

Add Badge

Click the Add Badge button.

Save Badge

Add Custom Attendance Badge

Create a name for your badge [1], assign an icon [2], and choose a color to highlight the background when the badge is assigned [3]. Click the Save Badge button [4].

Manage Badges

Manage Badges

You can edit any badge you create for your account.

To change the badge name, icon, or color, click the badge name [1].

To delete a badge, click the Delete button [2]. Deleting a badge will delete the badge for the entire course and all students.

Note: When managing or editing badges, any changes made will affect the entire account.