How do I view assessment details from a tracker?

In Mastery Connect, you can view and manage details for assessments that are linked to a tracker in the Assessments tab of the Tracker View page.

In the Assessment Details window you can view assessment details for an item-based assessment or a document-based assessment.

Open Tracker

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Trackers link [1]. In the Trackers page, click the tracker name link [2].

Open Tracker Assessment List

In the Tracker View page, click the Assessments tab.

Select Assessment

Select Assessment

To open the Assessment Details window, click an assessment title.

View Item-Based Assessment Information

In the Assessment Details window, the Info tab [1] displays by default.

To view the assessment including the correct answer for each question, click the Assessment tab [2].

To view, download, and print assessment reports, click the Reports tab [3].

To print a bubble sheet for a multiple choice assessment, click the Bubble Sheet tab [4]

To print student scores, click the Print Scores tab [5].

To view available notes about the assessment, click the Notes/Date tab [6].

To view and select privacy options for student and parent reporting, click the Privacy tab [7]. Learn more about managing privacy settings for single-standard assessments or multi-standard assessments in parent and student portals.

Note: The Bubble Sheet tab displays if an assessment includes only multiple choice question types.

View Info Tab

The Info tab displays author information [1], assessment details [2], standards scoring information [3], and standards alignment for each question [4].

If an assessment contains only multiple choice question types, the Answer Key section displays the total number of points awarded for each question [5].

Note: The Answer Key section displays only for assessments that include only multiple choice question types.

View Assessment Tab

The Assessment tab displays a list of items in the assessment [1]. To view question details, click the Question tile [2]. The assessment displays in the viewing window [3], and the correct answer displays in the Correct Answer window [4].

View Document-Based Assessment Information

Document Based Assessments

The Info tab displays author details, assessment details, mastery scoring information, and the assessment answer key.

To view the document file for the assessment, click the Assessment tab [1].

To view the answer key, click the Answer Key tab [2].

To view, download, and print assessment reports, click the Reports tab [3].

To print a bubble sheet for the assessment, click the Bubble Sheet tab [4].

To view and print student scores, click the Print Scores tab [5].

To view available notes about the assessment, including the date it was given, click the Notes/Date tab [6].

To view and select privacy options for student and parent reporting, click the Privacy tab [7]. Learn more about managing privacy settings for single-standard assessments or multi-standard assessments in parent and student portals.

View Info Tab

View Info Tab

The Info tab displays author information [1], assessment details [2], standards scoring information [3], and an answer key for the assessment [4].