How do I view the Assessment Results analytics dashboard as an admin?

As a school or district admin, you can view, save, and filter Mastery Connect student assessment results in your Analytics dashboard. The Assessment Results dashboard displays results-based data for a specific assessment and is available to all roles. However, there are differences in available charts and data depending on your role and permissions.

District admins can see assessment results for their district, school admins can see assessment results for their school, and teachers can see assessment results for their students.

Open Analytics Overview Dashboard

Open Analytics Overview Dashboard

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Analytics drop-down menu [1]. Click the Overview link [2].

Navigate to Assessment Results

Your Overview dashboard displays.

Scroll down to the Assessments section. Click the assessment name link to view the Assessment Results dashboard associated with that assessment.

Note: The analytics dashboard may take a few moments to load your data and display charts.

Explore Assessment Results Dashboard Header

In the Assessment Results dashboard, you can view information and chart visualizations that summarize student assessment data. For district admins and school admins, this dashboard contains:

  • The editable assessment title [1]
  • The Filter button, which opens data filtering options for your Overview dashboard, and the Save button, which saves your current filters in the My Dashboards page [2]
  • The Compare Assessment button, which opens the Assessment Comparison Dashboard [3]
  • The subject, core, and class that the assessment is associated with [4]
  • The date of the most recent student submission attempt for the assessment [5]
  • The View Assessment link, which navigates to a view of the assessment materials [6]
  • The Item Analysis link, which navigates to analysis summaries for each individual item within the assessment [7]
  • The More Options icon, which opens additional actions for your dashboard such as refreshing and downloading your data [8]
  • Options to show the details of your applied filters or clear your filters [9]
  • A label indicating any filters that are applied to your current dashboard [10]

View Charts

This dashboard also contains:

  • The number of students that have been assessed out of the total number of students who have the assessment available to them [1]
  • The average student score [2]
  • The percentage of all students whose scores fall into the Mastery scoring range [3]
  • A bar chart that displays the demographics of the students who completed the assessment [4]
  • A pie chart that displays the mastery levels of the students who completed the assessment as well as the percentage of students who still need to take the assessment [5]

Explore Assessment Results

As a district admin, you can view:

  • A list of students and assessment data associated with each student, such as submission date and time; the associated tracker; their teacher; the percentage of correct answers; and their mastery levels [1]
  • A list of the schools that administered the assessment and school data associated with the assessment, such as the number of students in that school who took the assessment, the percentage of correct answers, and the mastery levels at each school [2]
  • A list of standard(s) associated with the assessment and additional standard data, such as which questions aligned with each standard, the percentage of correct answers per standard, and the mastery levels for each standard [3]
  • A list of trackers associated with the assessment and additional tracker data, such as the teacher; subject; class; number of students who took the assessment; and mastery levels for each tracker [4]
  • A list of each question within the assessment and additional question data  such as question name; percentage of students who answered correctly; the type of question; the standard associated with each question; the correct answers to the questions; the question difficulty levels; and the question's depth of knowledge (DOK) [5]


  • You may have to scroll horizontally or vertically within a chart or visualization tile to see the full data display [6].
  • School admins do not have access to the Schools section of the Analytics dashboard.

Filter Assessment Results Dashboard

To open and adjust your dashboard filters, click the Filter button [1].

In your filter tray, you can filter your assessment results by standard [2], school [3], school years [4], and archived data [5].

To expand and select the filter choices for no score, gender, race, ethnicity, or group, click the arrow next to the filter name [6].

When you are done selecting your filters, click the Apply button [7]. To reset your filters, click the Reset button [8]. To close the filter window without saving your filter selections, click the Cancel button [9].

Note: School admins do not have access to the School filter.