How do I compare assessment results in the Assessment Comparison dashboard?

You can compare Mastery Connect student assessment results in your Assessment Comparison dashboard. You can select specific assessments to compare and view their result-based data. This dashboard is available to all roles with differences in available data depending on role.

Note: Teachers can only access assessment results and comparisons for their own students.

View Assessment Results Dashboard

View Assessment Results Dashboard

Open the Assessment Results dashboard as an admin or as a teacher.

Click the Compare Assessment button.

Select Assessments to Compare

In the window that displays, select the assessments you want to compare by clicking the corresponding checkboxes [1].

Click the Compare Assessments button [2].

View and Compare Assessment Data

View and compare the data and charts that display for your selected assessments.

Note: If you navigate away from the Assessment Comparison dashboard without saving your filters, your view will be erased.