How do I recapture a progress report to include additional data?

To pull in any new data for a progress report that you already generated, you can recapture the data for an academic term. Recapturing the progress report re-pulls assessment data from your teachers' trackers and replaces the previously generated progress report.

If more than one term exists, you must recapture all previous terms in sequential order. Each term's data uses data from the previous term. For example, to recapture data for Term 3, first recapture data for Terms 1 and 2.

If you have archived trackers associated with the progress report, please contact support before recapturing to discuss consequences of recapturing a progress report with archived trackers.


  • Depending on the amount of data being processed, a progress report may take up to 24 hours to generate. You may close your browser or turn off your computer while the report is generating.
  • Recapturing the progress report for a term does not reopen the comment window or remove existing teacher comments. If you want to reopen the comment window, reopen the progress report.

Open Progress Reports

Open Progress Reports

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Analytics link [1]. Then, in the Admin section, click the Progress Reports link [2].

Recapture Report

Recapture Report

On the Created Progress Reports page, locate the progress report you want to recapture. If there is more than one term, you must first recapture the previous terms by clicking the terms' Recapture links.

Note: You must recapture any previous terms in sequential order. Each term's report uses data from the previous term and does not gather it directly from the trackers.

Confirm Recapture

Confirm Recapture

In the Recapture Report window, confirm that you want to replace the previously generated report and data. To include data from archived students, you can click the Include data from archived students checkbox [1]. Then, click the Recapture Report button [2].

Once the report has been recaptured, you will receive an email indicating that the report is ready for download.

If you want to capture a term beyond Term 1, repeat the steps to recapture subsequent terms.