How do I view my jobs on Canvas Student ePortfolios?
You can view jobs you have saved to review and apply to later, and jobs you have applied to in the My Jobs section. Additionally, after you get hired you can write us a note to share your success story with us.
Depending on network settings, companies and jobs may not be available in your network. If you are not able to view the Jobs icon or My Jobs link, search for open jobs, or apply to jobs, that functionality has been restricted by your network admin.
Open My Jobs

To view your My Jobs section, click the Me icon [1], and then click the My Jobs link [2].
View Saved Jobs
Any jobs you have saved will display in your My Jobs page. The Active tab shows jobs that are still available [1]. Click the job name to view the job details and apply to the job [2]. The Expired tab shows jobs that are no longer available [3].
View Jobs You've Applied To
To view jobs you have applied to, either on Canvas Student ePortfolios or on the company's website, click the Jobs you've applied to link [1]. The Active tab shows jobs that are still active [2]. Click the job name to view the job details [3]. The Expired tab shows jobs that are no longer active [4].