How do I embed media in my Project?
You can embed media and add links to your projects from different web services including YouTube, Vimeo, Prezi, Microsoft Sway, SoundCloud, SlideShare, and Sketchfab. Embedded media can be viewed and played directly in your project. To add a video to your entry, you must use either YouTube or Vimeo to host the video.
Open Profile

To open your profile, click the Me icon in the toolbar [1], and then click the View Profile link [2].
Open Portfolio

Click the Portfolio tab.
Edit Project

Locate the project you want to add media to. Click the Options icon [1] and then click the Edit link [2].
Insert Link

Click the Paste a link link.
Paste Link

In the Link field, paste the link to the media you would like to embed.
View Inserted Media

Canvas Student ePortfolios will automatically import your media and display a preview thumbnail. To edit the details of the media, click the Edit icon [1]. To delete the media, click the Delete icon [2].
Edit Media
In the Edit window, you can edit the media's title [1], caption [2], and URL [3]. To use the media as the cover photo for your project, select the Use as cover photo checkbox [4].
When you have made all your edits, click the Done button [5] to save your changes.
Arrange Attachments

If you have multiple attachments in your project, you can rearrange the attachments. Hover over an attachment and click to drag and drop the attachment.
Save Changes

To see how the media will display in your project, click the Preview button [1]. If you are ready to publish your updates, click the Save Changes button [2].