How can I find available jobs on Canvas Student ePortfolios?
In addition to being a great place to network and showcase your work, Canvas Student ePortfolios is a great place to view available jobs. While you are viewing available jobs, make sure you also follow the company so your portfolio will be featured to hiring managers.
Depending on network settings, companies and jobs may not be available in your network. If you are not able to view the Jobs icon, search for open jobs, or apply to jobs, that functionality has been restricted by your network admin.
Open Jobs

In the Toolbar, click the Jobs link.
View Jobs

Results will be displayed based on your major or any filters you apply. Each job listing includes the role and company name [1], job type and a brief description [2], and location and application deadline [3].
To view details about the job, click the View Job button [4].
View Job Description
On the Job Details page, you can view details about the job, including role, company, and location [1], the full job description [2], job type [3], and deadline [4].
Depending on the job details, you may be able to apply directly on Canvas Student ePortfolios, or you may be directed to the company's website. Click the Apply on Company Website button [5] to apply for the job. To save the listing to your jobs, click the Save button [6].
Filter Jobs

In the sidebar, you can filter job results. To search for a specific company [1], industry [2], or job function [3], type your search text in the corresponding search field.
Filter by Job Type

You can also filter job results by type. In the Job Types drop-down menu [1], you can select all types [2], full-time [3], part-time [4], internship [5], or co-op [6] job types.
Filter by Other Criteria

In the Other Criteria drop-down menu, you can filter by best match [2], recently posted [3], or expiration date [4].
Apply Filter

To apply your specified filters, click the Filter button.