How can I find networks on Canvas Student ePortfolios?
Networks are exclusive showcases for approved members within a specific university or school. Networks are a great place for you to make new connections and gain recognition for your projects. Please note that when you request to join a network the network administrator will need to approve your request.
If your institution's network has enabled SSO authentication with your institution, you may be able to join the network using your institution authentication credentials.
Search Networks

In the Toolbar, find your school by typing your school's name in the Search field [1]
When you see your school in the search results, click the name [2].
Browse Networks

To browse available networks, go to in your web browser [1].
To view more information about a network, click the network name [2].
View Network
On the school's network page, you can view information about the school, including the location and social media links [1], and projects from members in the network [2].
To join the network, click the Request to Join link [3].
Note: If SSO authentication has been configured between your institution and the institution's network, you may be redirected to a page to log in to Canvas Student ePortfolios using your institution credentials. This option allows you to join the network using your institution authentication credentials instead of requesting access as shown in this lesson.
View Network Members
To view members of the network, click the Members tab [1]. By default, top ranking members will be displayed first [2]. You can sort by strongest, newest, trending, alphabetical, or your connections in the Sort drop-down menu [3].
View Network Information

To view a short bio of the school, click the About tab [1]. Information about the school will display in the window [2].