How do I add an introduction to my profile?
You can add an introduction, or bio, to your profile to help introduce yourself. Your introduction should include some brief information about you, your education and professional background, and anything else you want connections or potential employers to know about you.
Open Profile

To open your profile, click the Me icon in the toolbar [1], and then click the View Profile link [2].
Add Introduction

To add a new introduction to your profile, click the Add Introduction button.
Note: If the Add Introduction button does not display on your profile, scroll to the Introduction section and click the Edit icon to add or edit your introduction.
Enter Introduction

In the New Introduction tray, type your introduction in the text field [1]. To add hyperlinks in the introduction, use markdown formatting. Type the text you want to link in brackets [2] and then type the destination URL between parentheses [3]. There should be no space between the closing bracket and the first parenthesis.
Click the Save Changes button [4].
Add Project

If you want to add a project to your introduction, select a project you have previously created [1] or click the Add new project link [2]. If you are adding multiple projects and want to customize the order in which they display, select the Arrange order toggle [3].
Save Changes

When you are ready to publish your introduction, click the Done button.
View Introduction
View your introduction.
To make any edits to your introduction, click the Edit icon.
Delete Introduction

To delete the Introduction section, click the Options icon [1] and then click the Delete option [2].