How do I add a Curriculum Map in Portfolium?
Curriculum maps allow you to see which learning outcomes and course templates are aligned in your account. A curriculum map can help you visually plan out a path for students to achieve learning outcomes in courses and programs in your account.
When an instructor claims a course template, the aligned outcomes will already be populated in the course for them and you will be then able to track progress of those outcomes.
Open Assessments
![Open Assessments](
In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Curriculum Maps
![Open Curriculum Maps](
In the Assessment Sidebar, click the Curriculum Maps link.
Add Curriculum Map
![Add Curriculum Map](
Click the Add New Curriculum Map button.
Enter Name
![Enter Name](
To enter a name for the curriculum map, type in the Name field.
Add Terms
![Add Terms](
To add a term to the curriculum map, click the Add Term button [1] and select a term from the Terms drop-down menu [2].
Save Curriculum Map
![Save Curriculum Map](
Click the Save button.