How do I view and manage rubrics in the assessment library?
In the assessment library, you can view and preview rubrics in your account. The rubric preview includes criterion, aligned learning outcomes, and levels of achievement.
From the rubrics page you can also manage rubric options, including deleting or cloning a rubric, and generate rubric reports.
Note: By default, only administrators and instructional designers can manage rubrics in the assessment library. Faculty users must be granted permission by an admin to manage rubrics. If permission has not been granted, faculty users have view-only access to rubrics.
Open Assessment

In the Toolbar, click the Assessment icon.
Open Rubrics

In the Assessment Sidebar, click the Rubrics link.
View Rubrics
On the Rubrics page, you can view all the rubrics in your institution's assessment library. Each rubric includes the title [1], description [2], department the rubric belongs to [3], the rubric creator [4], number of criteria [5], and if assessors are allowed to mark the rubric N/A [6].
Filter Rubrics
To filter rubrics by department or creator, click the corresponding button [1]. Enter the search terms in the search field [2], or select an option from the displayed list [3].
Preview Rubric
To preview a rubric, click the checkbox next to the rubric name [1], and click the Preview rubric button [2].
View Rubric Preview
The rubric preview includes criterion [1], learning outcomes [2], and levels of achievement [3]. You may need to scroll vertically and/or horizontally to view all the rubric details.
To close the rubric preview, click the Close icon [4].
Delete Rubric
Locate the rubric you want to delete, and click the checkbox next to the rubric name [1], then click the Delete rubric button [2].
Confirm Delete Rubric

To permanently delete the rubric, click the Yes, Delete Rubric button.